Human Design
Are you curious about how to best use your energy?
How can you make better decisions and listen to your inner wisdom? A Human Design reading provides you with insights on how to live more authentically and in alignment with your unique nature.
We are all different, but many of us have grown up with an expectation to fit into a mold that may not truly be ours. Human Design offers you a personal map that reveals your strengths and shows you how to use them in a way that feels right for you.
Are there aspects of yourself you’ve viewed as "flaws"? They might actually be some of your greatest strengths! Whether you're seeking clarity in your career, relationships, or your journey toward greater self-love, I’m here to guide you.
My approach is simple and practical, and together we’ll explore how to live in alignment with your true nature, in your own unique way.
What is Human Design?
Human Design is a powerful system developed by Ra Uru Hu that combines ancient wisdom traditions such as the Chakra System, astrology, I Ching and Kabbalah, with modern astronomy and physics. It is often called the "Science of Differentiation" because it shows us how unique we are - and how we can live in harmony with our own energy.
At a time when many are experiencing burnout or yearning to live up to their full potential, Human Design is becoming increasingly popular. It gives us tools to understand ourselves on a deeper level and provides practical strategies for everyday life.
For an accurate reading I need your exact time and place of birth. These details can usually be found on your birth certificate or from Helsenorge if you were born after 1967.
I look forward to sharing this journey with you – to exploring, discovering and celebrating who you truly are.
"My Human Design reading with Bergljot was an eye-opener. I was in the middle of a major life change, and Bergljot was able to remind me of parts of myself that I had forgotten, but that play a big role in the decisions I make. I was able to use this insight to create more peace and clarity in my life. Bergljot conveyed the different aspects of me in a clear and concise way. The session confirmed a lot of what I already knew about my personality, but also gave me a new perspective. All in all, the session brought me a lot of joy, and I would highly recommend taking a Human Design reading with Bergljot!"
-Nicole T.
I offer the following Human Design readings and Coaching programs:
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